I've tried, but I'm just not a fan, especially of red wine. White wine is better, but I'd set either aside in favor of a strawberry daiquiri or peach sangria. But this is getting off topic.
This blog post was supposed to be about the red wine that I somewhat accidentally made the other day. I'm a fan of probiotics, and since I'm also a fan of wacky science experiments, I decided some time ago to brew my own water kefir. If you don't know what water kefir is check out Dom's site, but basically it is a probiotic rich drink made from water kefir grains growing/living in sugar water and doing their thing. When you separate the grains from the water, the water (which is now kefir) is full of probiotics and ready to be flavored pretty much any way you want.
You can also brew water kefir in grape juice instead of sugar water, with the (apparent) result of probiotic rich, slightly carbonated wine. It was grape juice, it is now fermented bubbly grape juice.
And I like it. I don't like it quite as much as lemonade or apple flavored water kefir, but I still like it.
So now, in a way, I have come to like wine. And it's healthier than the grape juice from whence it came, since the kefir grains ate up a lot of the sugar and replaced it with probiotic goodness.
I wonder if I can incorporate something like water kefir into one of my books... It's been around for thousands of years, so it would be possible for my fantasy worlds to also have some sort of kefir-like drink. Hmm.
If you're still with me here after this rather long rant about my kefir experience, reward yourself with the song that started us off. And be assured that next time if I include a song I'll move up the ranks to something like U2 or Miranda Lambert.
--J.R. McGinnity