Immediately concerned about another change in the publishing world (because despite it being two months old, I hadn't read it yet) I devoured the post.
After all, Randy is a hybrid author--he was traditionally published (and still has some older works being published traditionally) but is now self-or-indie publishing the rest of his work.
So if self-publishing was dying, he would know!
However, as usual, Randy showed an ability to A. Come up with a good title for his blog post and B. Give important insight into what writers are facing when they decide to cross the fence from writers to published authors.
So if you're thinking of publishing someday, or just thinking "jeez, I wish I could read a good blog post once in awhile rather than the nonsense J.R. spews" head over to Randy's blog and read "The Death of 'Self-Publishing.'" You'll probably even learn something.